CosmosClub: Isabella Carucci (13/06/2019)

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Date: June 13th 2019, 10:30am (/!\ unusual time)

Speaker: Isabella Carucci (CosmoStat)

Title: 21cm intensity mapping: using cosmic neutral hydrogen as tracer of large scale structure

Room: Kepler


This is an opportunity to introduce my past work to the group. I’ll start by briefly illustrating what we mean by intensity mapping (IM) and why to use the 21cm radiation coming from neutral hydrogen. I’ll then move to what its observational status is and how we can model this signal. In particular, I’ll show how IM will be a remarkable test both for dark energy and dark matter models, presenting forecasts for the bounds that the SKA telescope will be able to uniquely set. On the other hand, this signal is literally buried under foregrounds (about 4 orders of magnitude more intense). In this spirit, I’ll conclude by sketching what our plans are to use and optimise Cosmostat-developed tools for tackling the foreground and instrumental systematics problems of IM.

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