Louis Yanne


Louis Yanne


Contact Information
E-mail: louis.yanne [at] cea [dot] fr
Office: 256
Affiliation: IRFU/DAp-AIM
Supervisors: Jean-Luc Starck, Morgan Schmitz


Research Interests


M2 student of engineering school Ecole Centrale de Lyon. Supervised by Jean-Luc Starck and under guidance of Morgan Schmitz, the long term goal is to significantly improve the quality of the galaxy images retrieved by spatial telescope EUCLID. To this aim, I implement on Python the combination of a super resolution algorithm and a PSF deconvolution algorithm.  It should eventually be possible to double the resolution of the given pictures and satisfiyingly denoise them.

My general research interests include super resolution techniques, deconvolution, convex optimization and sparse image procesing,