PhD Project: Joint Estimation of the Euclid PSF, Cosmic Shear, and Galaxy SEDs and Morphologies
Joint Estimation of the Euclid PSF, Cosmic Shear, and Galaxy ...
Permanent researcher position in the field of cosmological simulations in the context of Euclid and other cosmological surveys
Permanent researcher position in the field of cosmological simulations in ...
ARGOS Postdoctoral position (Heraklion, Crete): Distributing Processing, Deep Learning and Radio-Interferometry
ARGOS Postdoctoral position (Heraklion, Crete): Distributing Processing, Deep Learning and ...
Stage M2: Étude de la rotation de la surface des étoiles avec les données de la mission TESS de la NASA, à l’aide de techniques de filtrage par ondelettes et d’apprentissage profond
Stage M2: Étude de la rotation de la surface des ...
Weak gravitational lensing statistics for the Euclid space mission
Weak-gravitational analysis of large galaxy surveys Position: PhD Deadline: 15/03/2023 ...
TITAN AstroStatistics Postdoc position (Heraklion, Greece) : Radio Weak Lensing
TITAN Postdoc position (Heraklion, Crete, Greece):radio weak lensing Position: Postdoc ...
TITAN 2 Postdoc positions (Heraklion, Greece) : Cosmology and/or Machine learning
TITAN AstroStatistics Postdoc position (Heraklion, Greece) Position: Two Postdoc positions, ...
TITAN AstroStatistics PhD position (Heraklion, Greece) : Morphology and Spatial Distribution of the Dust Emission using Deep Learning Methods
TITAN AstroStatistics PhD position (Heraklion, Greece) : Morphology and Spatial ...
TITAN AstroStatistics PhD position (Heraklion, Greece) : weak lensing cosmology
TITAN AstroStatistics PhD position (Heraklion, Greece) : weak lensing cosmology ...