Khanh-Hung Tran


Hung Tran


Contact Information
E-mail: khanh-hung.tran [at] cea [dot] fr
Office: 281
Affiliation: IRFU/DAp-AIM
Supervisors: Fred Ngolè, Jean-Luc Starck


About me

I am currently PhD student working on Semi-Supervised Learning that try to use unlabelled data to improve the accuracy rate for classification problem. More detailed, I try to exploit information of the orignal data presentation and preserve it in new learned features (latent variable, embedding space), then help to regularize the objective function. Here are two models that I work on : Semi-Supervised Dictionary Learning and Semi-Supervised Deep Learning.

Before my PhD, I got my Electrical Engineering Diploma (INSA Lyon - 2016) and Master in Computer Science (Paris 6 - 2017).

My main interests  are : image processing, machine learning, optimization …